Join us in welcoming the newest members of the Summit DD team! Be on the lookout for future job openings on our Careers page.
Tanner May, Residential Coordinator
“I previously worked for the Stark Metropolitain Housing Authority as a Senior Asset Manager. Summit DD is a great organization that has impacted so many lives in a positive way. I’m simply looking to jump right in and do the same. In my spare time I love to relax with a great book, take in a show/live music or sit around a bonfire with friends.” – Tanner May, Residential Coordinator

Amber McKnight, SSA
“I’m a previous Summit DD employee, coming back after 6 years of serving with DJFS as a Social Program Analyst with the youth CCMEP/BOSS education and employment program. I look most forward to working with the individuals we serve and community partners. I truly feel back “at home” here with Summit DD. During my free time I enjoy all things with my family and friends, from traveling, to concerts, and cookouts. If I am with those I care about, it’s a good time for sure!” – Amber McKnight, SSA

Joshua Kieft, IT Programmer Analyst
“I worked at Coleman Data Solutions (child company of Coleman Professional Services) before this opportunity. I look forward to the opportunity to grow and learn in professional development (Programming), to serving the community in a different way, and association of the community of Summit DD. I love to build computers and troubleshoot issues with friends and family and clientele. I enjoy playing video games with my oldest daughter and spending quality time with family. I enjoy traveling with family to different locations in the US. I enjoy learning new skills and reading about cryptocurrency. My best hobby is drawing house designs and dream building for the future.” – Joshua Kieft, IT Programmer Analyst

Randall Huber, MUI Investigative Agent
“I’m so thankful and happy to have the ability to once more work with individuals in Summit County as an MUI Investigator. The passion and commitment of the people here at Summit DD drew me back, and I’m really grateful to be part of a wonderful team again in the MUI Unit. Can’t wait to get out there and make a difference in the lives of the individuals we serve! I’m also fired up to be back with some good, solid hockey fans, even if they root for the Columbus Blue Jackets (Let’s go Minnesota Wild!)” – Randall Huber, MUI Investigative Agent