Tag Archives: EI Services

Katie with her father. Katie receives Summit DD Early Intervention services.

Katie’s Story: Early Intervention at Work

“What I find most valuable about Summit DD Early Intervention services, is having another person in Katie’s corner. Having someone that celebrates Katie and recognizes her smallest accomplishments, is invaluable. Teaching Katie that she is accepted and loved and that her life is important and valuable, despite her challenges, is my most important job as a mom. Summit DD services help me to accomplish that!” proudly shared Katie’s mother, Ali. Read More ›

An Update on Your Path to Early Intervention Services

Your child may be eligible for EI services if they are missing milestones, have a suspected delay or medical condition which has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay. Read More ›

Welcome to Early Intervention

Welcome to Summit DD Early Intervention

Welcome! Thank you for choosing Summit DD as your provider for your little one’s Early Intervention (EI) services. Now that you’ve chosen a provider, you’re probably wondering what’s next. Good news, Summit DD staff are here to guide you every step of the way. Read More ›

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