We are committed to seeing that every person with a disability has the opportunity to live life to the fullest. Often times relying on assistive devices is one large step in realizing that goal. Read More ›
Archives by Month: June 2019

Marci’s Story: Running Down A Dream
“When I was born, the doctors told my foster mom that I’d never walk. And she said to them ‘you don’t know what God can do’,” Marci shared with a proud smile. From the moment you begin speaking with Marci, you quickly realize her passion. A passion for life. A drive to succeed at every dream she can imagine. Read More ›

Set Your Child Up for Success – TODAY
A child’s path to success begins long before school starts. Often, developmental delays are not recognized until elementary school or later. For instance, if your child is not walking, talking, or meeting other developmental milestones like children their same age, or if your child has a medical condition which might be causing their development to be delayed, you may feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. Good news, Summit DD can help!