Katie with her father. Katie receives Summit DD Early Intervention services.

Summit DD 2023 Action Plan and 2022 Annual Report

For over 50 years, the Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board has proudly served as the primary entity responsible for supporting children and adults with developmental disabilities to live full and equitable lives in our community.  Our 2022-2024 Long Range Plan continues this legacy, as we strengthen our vision of Summit County being a community where all people are included.

We invite you on our journey throughout this publication that explains how local levy dollars are used, the outcomes we have achieved in the first year of our plan, and our goals and initiatives for 2023 as we continue to serve more people.

Young girl at computer, learning remotely

Learning Aid Ohio grant opportunity for families

During this week’s Coronavirus press briefing, Governor DeWine announced a Learning Aid Ohio program grant to support children with disabilities. This program offers families who qualify up to $1,500 per family for in-person learning assistance or tutoring during distance learning. Read More ›

compass pathfinder program logo

Maintaining Momentum for Students with Disabilities During the Pandemic

For years, Summit DD has worked with local school districts and Koinonia to provide a program that helps build useful career skills for students with disabilities. Koinonia’s Compass Pathfinder program (formerly ASPIRE) works with transition-age teens to explore their interests, develop skills and gain employment experience. This program is traditionally very hands-on. When the Coronavirus hit Northeast Ohio in early March 2020, that could have meant the end of the program. However, thanks to hard work and collaboration, teens from the Compass Pathfinder program were able to keep their momentum. Read More ›

Middle school girls writing at a table

On-Demand Childcare Solutions

Finding a reliable, quality babysitter can be tough, as any parent knows. Whether it’s a one-time need or regular afterschool care, it can be a challenge to find childcare for older kids.  When your child has a disability, finding flexible childcare can be even more challenging. Fortunately, Northeast Ohio has a new Hero on the scene who is ready and willing to meet the needs of parents and caretakers. Read More ›

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© Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board