Summit DD’s glossary of commonly used terms and acronyms:
504 Plan: A 504 Plan is a plan for how a child will have access to learning at school. It provides services and changes to the learning environment to meet the needs of the child as adequately as other students. A 504 plan is created by a team of people familiar with the child such as: a child’s parent, general and special education teachers and their principal.
Adult Day Supports/Voc Habilitation Combo: This refers to a program that contains elements of both vocational and non-vocational services.
Adult Day Supports: These are non-vocational day services and typically consist of assessing interests, supports and services provided at centers in the community. Supporting and supervising individuals in the area of personal care include attending to their personal hygiene, eating assistance, communication, mobility and restroom assistance which will ensure an individual’s ability to experience and participate in community life.
Adult Services: This typically refers to the array of services available to a person after they graduate from school, whether that is at age 18 or22. (The school is required to provide a public education through age 22.)
Agency Provider: This term refers to an organization that provides services to persons with developmental disabilities. The provider of record is the agency and the direct service can be provided by any member of their organization.
ASQ-3: The Ages and Stages Questionnaire, 3rd edition, or ASQ-3, is one of several screening tools recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. It’s free, easy to use and can assist you in determining or learning about your child’s development.
ASQ:SE-2: The Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social Emotional, or ASQ:SE-2, is a free screening tool to help gauge your child’s emotional and social development. It includes questions about your child’s ability to calm down, take direction and follow rules, and communicate among other things. The ASQ:SE-2 can be used for children ages one month to 72 months.
COEDI: Children’s Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument – this is a state mandated tool used by the State of Ohio to determine eligibility though age 15. (Completion of this tool is just a part of the eligibility process.)
Community Partnership for Inclusion Program (CPI): The Community Partnership for Inclusion Program (CPI) supports a variety of care options in communities across Summit County. From children who need a little extra support to be successful in the classroom to little ones with specialized medical needs, the trained staff at Summit DD helps locate and support children at a child care center convenient to the family.
Day Array: This refers to any activity that a person participates in after graduation from their school program. There are many day array providers in Summit County. (See provider search tool for available providers.)
Developmental Specialist: A Developmental Specialist (DS) is an expert in typical and atypical development of children birth through age 5. A DS is often assigned when a child has a delay in more than one developmental area (adaptive, motor, communication, vision, hearing, medical).
DODD: Acronym used for the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.
Eligibility: This refers to the process used to determine whether or not someone is eligible for services through Summit DD. A person must be eligible to receive services and coordination through Summit DD.
Evaluation & Assessment (E&A): An Evaluation & Assessment (E&A) is a process the Early Intervention team uses to address strengths, priorities and concerns of the child and family. The E&A then becomes a guidepost to determine eligibility and Early Intervention services a child would benefit from.
Evidence-Based Early Intervention (EBEI): Evidence-based practice in the field of early childhood is the process that pulls together the best available research, knowledge from professional experts, and data and input from children and their caregivers, to identify and provide services, evaluated and proven to achieve positive outcomes for children and families.
Free Choice of Provider: Individuals have free choice of provider for all Medicaid services per state rule. Selected providers must be willing to bill Medicaid (IO/L1 Waiver) for services under the current reimbursement rates. Not all providers are Medicaid (IO/L1) providers. Your SSA can help you find a provider who accepts your funding.
HCB Services: Acronym for Home and Community-Based Services. Home and community-based (HCB) services provide opportunities for Medicaid beneficiaries to receive services in their own home or community setting.
Hearing Services: An Early Intervention Hearing Specialist is an expert in hearing impairments or hearing loss providing strategies, resources, and education to families specific to their child’s hearing impairment and how it may be affecting his/her development.
IEP: Individualized Education Plan – this is the tool that schools use to capture supports being provided within the school system. It provides individualized special education and related services to meet the unique needs of a child.
IFSP: Individualized Family Service Plan – is a process and a document used in Early Intervention services to help your child develop to their fullest potential. It is the road map that your PSP will create with you to delbver the services and tools that will help your child thrive. It lays out which services and supports your baby or toddler should receive and the corresponding outcomes you and the team hope to achieve for your child.
Independent Provider: This term refers to a provider who is considered independently employed. They cannot sub-contract or send someone else to provide service in their place.
IO: Individuals Options – this Waiver identifies a funding level for each person based on the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Profile. You must be redetermined eligible for Medicaid and the IO Waiver every year.
ISP: Individual Service Plan – this is the document written by the SSA that is the contract between the person and their provider and assures the health, safety and welfare of the individual. This document is to be completed annually and updated as often as needed.
Job Exploration Training Program: This program is designed to provide real work experiences, paid or volunteer, at community job sites for individuals-served who want supported employment in the future. J.E.T. will provide job training and work skill development. J.E.T. Trainees will actively engage in career exploration. Trainees who have met their vocational training goals will be referred to Job Development, as appropriate. The J.E.T. program is a time-limited service. Every six months, the trainees will move to a new work site. A trainee must complete the program in two years or experience a total of four work sites.
L1: Level 1 – this Waiver has a budgetary limit of $5000, though there are emergency monies available per three-year period. You must be redetermined eligible for Medicaid and the L1 Waiver every year. Although there are some minor differences, both Waivers basically cover the following services: Homemaker/Personal Care, Institutional Respite, Informal Respite, Transportation, Personal Emergency Response Systems, Specialized Medical Equipment & Supplies, Environmental Accessibility Adaptations, Emergency Assistance, Day Array Services.
Least Restrictive Environment: Is the preferred environment for an individual with a developmental disability that allows him the greatest opportunity for personal growth and inclusion alongside his peers, to the greatest extent appropriate.
MUI: Major Unusual Incident – the reporting system mandated by Ohio law that sets procedures to review and report allegations of abuse, neglect and other potentially serious incidents that occur in the Developmental Disabilities system.
Medicaid: Medicaid is a program for people with low income. It pays for health care services using state and federal funds. Individuals must have limited income and limited assets in order to be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid pays for Common Health Care Services (this includes medical appointments), Durable Medical Equipment, and Home Health Care Services
MI/DD: Mental Illness/Developmental Disabilities – also referred to as “dual diagnosis. Previously the ‘dual diagnosis’ reference was MR/MH, an acronym fading from usage and referring to “Mental Retardation/Mental Health”.
Multi-Factored Evaluation (MFE): The Multi-Factored Evaluation is the process required by the IDEA to determine if a child is eligible for special education services. The process may be initiated by school personnel or a parent. The MFE determines if the child has a disability and identifies specialized educational needs. If school personnel do not share the same concerns about a child’s functioning at school as the parents, a parent has the right to request an MFE from the district. The request must be made in writing and give written consent for the evaluation to the local school district.
NMT: Non-Medical Transportation – this refers to the type of transportation provided to someone to and from their day array or community employment activity. There are many providers in Summit County who are certified to provide this service. (See provider search tool for available providers.)
Occupational Therapist: Occupational Therapists (OT) are experts in fine motor skills, eye hand coordination, sensory processing, lip and tongue ties and feeding issues.
Ohio Early Intervention: Early Intervention is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people in familiar settings. Ohio Early Intervention is a statewide system that provides coordinated services to parents of eligible children from birth to age three that may be experiencing a developmental delay or have a medical condition that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay. Ohio Early Intervention is the starting point as families begin their journey to define and receive necessary supports and resources to enhance their children’s learning and development.
OEDI: Ohio Eligibility Determination Instrument—this is a state mandated tool used by the State of Ohio to determine eligibility from age 16 and up. (Completion of this tool is just a part of the eligibility process.)
Payee: According to the Social Security Administration, a representative payee is a person or organization appointed to receive the Social Security or SSI benefits for anyone who can’t manage their own benefits. It can be a friend or family member or organizational payee. When choosing a payee consider choosing someone the beneficiary feels will support them in participating in managing their money.
Person-Centered Planning: An individually-focused approach to planning that empowers individuals with developmental disabilities to set the direction and actively shape their own future.
Physical Therapist: Physical Therapists (PT) are experts in gross motor skills; focusing on mobility such as rolling, crawling, walking and climbing.
Primary Service Provider: A Primary Service Provider (PSP) is an EI Services team member who will be the family’s primary contact for EI Services. This means that while there may be more than one service listed, the PSP is the person that will see the family most often. The PSP is selected by the team based on the needs of the child receiving EI services and works with the team to deliver services based on the IFSP.
Provider Search Tool: The provider search tool can be found on the DODD website and is a way for families and eligible individuals to input a set of variables to search for providers. The information provided lets you find out information about a provider and helps you determine if you would like to use them for services. There are a variety of agency and independent providers certified to provide various services in Summit County.
QA: Quality Assurance – a structured method of measuring and documenting quality of services.
Remote Monitoring (also called Remote Monitoring Services or Remote Support Services): A grouping of assistive technology supports controlled through a service provider hub that work together to increase a person’s privacy and independence while maintaining safety. Remote Monitoring Services include sensors, intercoms, alarms, call pendants, cameras, wonder alerts, safety features for faucets and stoves and other devices.
RSS: Referral and Support Specialist – Trained professionals who connect a person with a disability to community resources that support their needs. RSSs typically work with individuals between the ages of six and 22 and retired adults who do not have Medicaid waivers or may not need funding for services.
Secondary Service Provider: A secondary service provider supports the Primary Service Provider (PSP) through home visits and teaming.
Service Coordinator: A Service Coordinator (SC) is the first point of contact for Early Intervention services. The SC completes the intake visit, schedules the developmental evaluation and assessment, writes the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), refers for necessary services, and monitors the IFSP to ensure EI services are being delivered per the plan.
SSA: Service and Support Administrator – this is a Summit DD “service coordinator” or “case manager” who works with individuals and providers of services to coordinate services as well as monitor progress of those services. SSAs typically work with individuals 18 years and older who require Medicaid waiver funding for their service needs.
Speech Language Pathologist: Speech/Language Pathologists are experts in expressive and receptive communication, what children say or sign, and what children understand.
Summit DD: Summit County Developmental Disabilities Board; this is the county agency that serves eligible individuals in Summit County.
Supported Employment Community: Also known as Community Employment Services, this program is for individuals who are working independently in the community. A Job Coach or Follow-Along Specialist is usually assigned to help the individual maintain continued success and to address any potential pitfalls that could lead to the loss of employment. Follow-along services are typically provided twice a month.
Supported Employment Enclave: This refers to a job that is designed to support a group of individuals in an integrated community-based setting. There is an on-site workstation specialist there to cover day-to-day supervision issues and ensure that the work is completed to meet the needs of the employer. Most individuals receive at least minimum wage in this program.
Vocational Habilitation: These are services designed to teach and reinforce concepts related to work, including responsibility, attendance, task completion, problem solving, social interaction, motor skill development and safety. Individuals in this program earn a paycheck for piece work that they complete.
Vision Services: An Early Intervention Vision Specialist is an expert in visual impairments providing strategies, resources, and education to families specific to their child’s visual impairment and how it may be affecting his/her development.
Waiver: The waiver is the funding tool to pay for staff to provide individuals with the care they require based upon their assessed needs as identified in their ISP. Medicaid defines home as where the person lives and may include a family residence, congregate setting, foster care, or semi-independent setting. An individual must qualify for Medicaid and need the same level of care as people who live in a long-term care facility in order to qualify for a waiver. There is a waiting list for the IO and the Level One waivers. Summit DD requests an allocation from DODD of waiver slots and then distribution of these new waivers is prioritized, with priority given to individuals currently using local funds to pay for residential or day services and/or situations that meet emergency rule criteria.
Need More?
Can’t find a term? Please visit the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities glossary for additional terms and acronyms.